What is stem cell therapy?
Stem cell therapy consists of having one or more stem cell infusions. It is like having bloodwork, except that stem cells are injected into your system and not taking blood out of your system. The procedure takes about 20 minutes.
Is stem cell therapy safe?
I have talked to some of the finest doctors in the world who are very knowledgeable about the stem cell therapy. And I have concluded that there is no evidence that stem cell therapy can result in or contribute to a bad outcome. In any event I recommend that, if you are interested in stem cell therapy, ask your doctor "Do you have any objections?".
Is this covered by insurance?
The short answer is no because stem cell therapy has not been FDA approved for general use. However, stem cell therapy has been FDA approved, and therefore can be covered by insurance, for specific diseases which are prescribed by a doctor. In addition, there are ongoing clinical studies for other diseases such as cancer, but again it is not currently FDA approved for general use.
Is this tax deductible?
Yes, in certain circumstances, it is tax deductible. Check with your tax advisor to find out.
Where do the stem cells come from?
Stem cells can come from, among other things, human embryos and from the umbilical cord blood of a newborn baby.There is much controversy (illegal in the United States) about using human embryos to produce stem cells. The type that we are talking about here is from the umbilical cord blood. The mother can designate what is to be done with the umbilical cord blood by choosing to store the stem cells for potential further use by her family or she can donate them. So we are talking about donated umbilical cord blood stem cells. In addition, only the white blood cells are used. By doing this, there's no need to match the blood type of the person receiving the therapy.